Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our first Jedi book is now a textbook at the University of Alabama

Cool news! Our first Jedi book, Jedi Manual Basic, Introduction to Jedi Knighthood, is now a textbook for an alternative religion class at the University of Alabama!

Here is the link to the paperback version to our newest, Jedi Intermediate book from Barnes and Noble:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Here at Last!

Now available at Barnes and Noble for the Nook:

Also available at

Jedi Manual Intermediate, The Path of Truth

The first book of this series, Jedi Manual Basic, Introduction to Jedi Knighthood, introduces to the reader the requirements for becoming a Jedi Knight. There are examples of how others have accomplished this and what it means to be a Knight. Basic, covers some Jedi philosophy, religious aspects and hands-on techniques that Jedi Knights can use. An important element of the first book is the identification of the twelve paths of the Jedi Knight.

Jedi Manual Intermediate, The Path of Truth, focuses the study. If “Basic,” is a summary of the many aspects, “Intermediate,” is a focus on the essential. It provides you with many more tools for your path of evolution and helps you find the right questions to ask yourself; questions designed to help you delve deep within to find your own answers. It is your answers that ultimately are the truth; your truth. And it is with truth that Jedi are armed for making the world a better place for themselves and others.